tips for writing a novel

1. The story Write you most want to read. Do not write a story because you just think that this can be a bestseller or would be great aunt Edna proud . Think about the books you like, what you really lose in. If these are mysteries , and so do not try to write a historical novel a quiet literary novel . It might not be the kind of all specific as you like, but some voice, or history of Art , or Arten characters. Write what you love. Do me a favor - here today , start a list of all your Obsessionen crazy things that get your heart , you wake up in the middle of the night. Put - above your desk and the Verwerter gießen you Fuhrung , gießen relaunch your writing every day tips for writing a novel tips for writing a novel.

tips for writing a novel
2 . Start by nature . Make - him and imperfect glaubwürdig . Let her live and breathe and give him the freedom to take surprise and history in unexpected Richtungen . If it is not surprise you , you can bet it will set flat to your readers. An exercise I always do when I 'm knowing a character Nachfrager him to tell me his Geheimnisse . Sit down with a pen and paper and start with , " I never told anyone ..." and from there , writing in the voice of your person tips for writing a novel.
tips for writing a novel
3 . Give this person a compelling problem. Your person must have something that goes Sohn challenge, torment and propel forward . At the heart of every story is a conflict - whether internal or external , to make a good and you remember that this problem will shape your person, never leaving him ändern tips for writing a novel .

tips for writing a novel
4 . Make a difference ! You can have great zuzüglich person in the world, and write beautifully , but if nothing happens , the story falls on its fast enough Gesicht . In my books , wählte I make some of wichtig to Intrigen happens in each scene. And if there is a scene there - in which not contribute to the story forward a vital way, I have Coupé , regardless Kommentar it is great. When I 'm editing, and I'll write a scene by scene einfachen Satz word describing the action on a data sheet . Then I put the card and I have the bare bones of my story. I can see if things go forward , if I throw in enough twists , and if there are scenes that are simply not pulling their weight tips for writing a novel.

tips for writing a novel
5 . Make glaubwürdig . Ah , you say, but sometimes you write ghost stories and Fairies - Kommentar glaubwürdig what it is ? It works if you make it in the world of books glaubwürdig . In Versprechen not say I came with the core rules - it could and could not do . I gave him a story and a reason there Imperieuse -Feeds ' d. Readers hate stuff cheap . Do not pull Routine Evil Twin in the last hour . Do not put a new person at the end of the problem solving of the protagonist For It. She has things to Adjust itself , for better or worse tips for writing a novel.

tips for writing a novel
6 . Halten with her project . Will you attempt to drop a thousand times . Do not . The story end . Then work twice excl . hard to revise . Do your best to get out in the world . When he is rejected by publishers and Mittel ( nicht it will ) keep sending it . At the same time , another write . Then another . Believe me , you better each time . You 're not in the business of writing because it is easy. It took me four books and two years Agenten September gießen get my first novel published . It was a long hard road , but so , so worth it in the end!

tips for writing a novel
7 And finally: . Ignore the rules . ( Including mine. ) Everyone has tips and theories ; people you want to catalog, in a turn with its own rules and Gender Konventionen . I think the best work in Art When we all leave behind ; when the only wählte be faithful to the writing is tips for writing a novel .

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